There’s Still Time to Apply to Help Shape the Next ICC Energy Code

Codes and Standards

NAHB is encouraging members to apply to two new committees created by the International Code Council (ICC) that will be pivotal in the creation of future International Energy Conservation Codes (IECC).

In March, the ICC announced a change in how it will develop the International Energy Conservation Code. Instead of relying on the previous Governmental Consensus process, the IECC will follow an ANSI standards process, with the final vote reserved for members of two new ANSI Standards Committees — one that will focus of residential and the other, commercial. (Commercial will also cover most multifamily construction.)

Importantly, when the ICC Board of Directors announced this change, it also published a broad framework for how it will move forward on energy efficiency and sustainability “to confront a changing climate.” The change to how it will develop the next iterations of the commercial and residential energy codes is only a portion of the overall framework — some of which is positive, but other elements could be extremely problematic.

The framework calls for the ICC, through the IECC, to provide not only minimum efficiency requirements that will achieve increased energy performance over the next few code cycles, but also optional supplemental requirements aimed at achieving zero-energy buildings over multiple timeframes (by 2030 or 2050, for example).

To put it simply, the IECC will now include the baseline code, plus more stringent options that states or municipalities could adopt immediately. This makes it extremely important that NAHB be well-represented on both of the inaugural IECC Consensus Committees, as well as the working groups that are expected to conduct much of the detailed code development work. These groups will be not only setting the standards for 2024, but setting the framework for the future of the energy code.

We need to demonstrate how important this is to the industry and have sufficient representation to ensure home builders’ perspectives are taken into account. Please consider applying to help define the future of energy efficiency in the built environment.

To apply, please visit the ICC application page. Applications are due by April 23, 2021.

Please contact Craig Drumheller if you have any questions or are interested in participating on the committees or work groups.

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